At Houston Stars we believe in a Relentless Pursuit of Excellence in all we do. We want to train and challenge our athletes at the highest level. We want our athletes to have a profound impact on those around them On and Off the Court
We believe: that there is a need in Houston to not just be another club, but a club that parents want their daughters and sons to be a part of. We want to be a place where players can’t wait to get in the gym and get better. We believe there needs to be a place where every athlete is looked out for. Jesus lived his life with utmost integrity, a fiery passion for what he thought was right, and a keen sense for the needs of those around Him. This is how we will model the way we coach, train and compete.
Houston Stars Teams
We are the only club in Houston that provides multiple levels of competition with our girls program, year-round training for our boys program and a sand program that runs every season. Check out or various programs for players of all ages and abilities.
